50 Mile Base to Base
Virtual Challenge 2024

9th - 22nd SEPTEMBER 2024

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About The Challenge

Dates: Monday 9th September - Sunday 22nd September 2024

Show your support for The Air Ambulance Service by completing 50 miles (the distance between our air bases) virtually, over 2 weeks.

Be bold and take on the challenge yourself or team up with friends or colleagues as a group of up to 5 and walk, run or cycle the distance between you.

There's no minimum fundraising target but we ask that you aim to raise as much as possible. If you raise £100 or more we will send you a running vest.

Raise money to help us save lives and keep us flying this September and beyond.

Help Us Save Lives

Over the past 20 years, The Air Ambulance Service (TAAS) has attended over 50,000 missions.

We fly two local air ambulance services – Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance (WNAA) and the Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance (DLRAA). Our critical care paramedics, doctors and pilots attend an average of ten rescue missions a day and can be on the ground within minutes, delivering lifesaving care to give patients the very best chance of survival and recovery.

We receive no government or National Lottery funding for our lifesaving missions and rely entirely on voluntary donations to raise the £2,300 needed for every mission.

Support our work by taking on a fundraising challenge today and become our latest lifesaver.

50 Mile Base to Base Challenge starts in

yellow air ambulance service running vest and team mission medal

How We Support You

We're with you every step of the way towards event day with advice and information so you can just focus on your training and fundraising. We'll also provide:

  • An instant online fundraising page for you to share with your friends and family
  • A running vest when you raise £100. You'll also receive a pin badge for taking part and our top 3 leaderboard supporters will receive a Team Mission medal
  • Our friendly fundraisers will be on hand to support you all the way
  • Virtual Gamification badges when you hit your key milestone moments
  • Oh, and the knowledge that your fundraising will help us to save more lives ❤️

How Your Support Helps


Could help pay for pressure dressings to control a patient's breathing

If 100 people like you raised £23 we could fund a lifesaving mission


Could buy an LMA Supreme single-use ventilation device to protect and support a patient’s airways

Individuals Leaderboard

Teams Leaderboard

Frequently Asked Questions

Is their a minimum age for this event?

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Yes, all participants must be 18 and over.

Is there a minimum sponsorship I have to raise to take part?

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There is no minimum sponsorship that you need to raise to take part in the challenge, but we ask that you aim to raise as much as possible through setting up your fundraising page via this webpage.

If I’m taking part in a virtual challenge, how do I track my progress?

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You can choose to link your Fitbit, Garmin or Map My Fitness accounts directly to your fundraising page, so that your steps or distance is automatically added, or you can add in the distance you’ve covered manually. You can also upload pictures to show your supporters how you're getting on.

How do I connect my Fitbit, Garmin or Map My Fitness to show my challenge progress on my fundraising page?

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Your profile page includes your personal distance tally so you can track your distance towards your target. This is a great way to keep your friends updated on your workouts!

If you track your workouts with Fitbit, Strava, MapMyFitness or Garmin your distances will automatically add to your tally.

Follow these steps to track your distance automatically:

  1. Download the FitbitStrava, MapMyFitness or Garmin app and set up your account
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Under the heading Connect your preferred Fitness app, click your chosen app.
  4. Follow the prompts to connect your account
  5. When you next work out, select start your workoutin the app on your phone. Once you end your workout, save your workout and your distance will be published to the tally on your page the following day.

If you have synced your app already but it is not working, please log in and re-connect it.

  • Fitbit: You must start an activity and save it. If no activity is logged, then your cumulative activity will sync at the end of the day. If you are having issues, try syncing through BOTH your Fitbit and the Fitbit app on your smartphone.
  • MapMyFitness: You must start your workout, stop your workout and then SAVE your workout. 
  • Strava: You must start your workout, stop your workout and then SAVE your workout.
  • Garmin: You must start your workout, stop your workout and then SAVE your workout.

Your tally will be updated each day with the previous day’s distances.

To view all Frequently Asked Questions, including how to set up your account and fundraising page, click here.